While our cars are exclusive, our club is not. Membership is open to all Porsche owners, co-owners or lessees, who are 18 years of age or older at the time of joining. The new member of record is permitted to name one affiliate member at no additional cost. An affiliate member is a family member or friend who is at least 18 years of age.
The Maumee Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America (MVRPCA) was established in 1972 and continues to grow, comprised of primary and affiliate members. At MVRPCA we share a common bond: We all drive Porsches and are passionate about them. As a member of the Porsche Club of America, you receive the official PCA monthly magazine, Porsche PANORAMA. You will also receive our monthly newsletter Der RÜCKSPIEGEL. Der RÜCKSPIEGEL provides MVR activities throughout the year and other information of interest to our members.
As a new member, MVR invites you to participate in our club’s activities. Club activities are varied and should appeal to everyone from the serious driving enthusiasts to those who wish to just socialize with others who share their love of Porsches. Check out our Activities page for more details. Then pick one or more events from the Calendar of Events and join the fun! We will arrange to meet and welcome you at your first event, ensuring you will never be a stranger.
How to join
The best way to join is through the PCA National web site found at pca.org. There you will find a new member application form where you will create a personal profile complete with the year, model and color of your Porsche. Membership is available in one ($46), two ($90) or three ($132) year terms. Be sure to specify Maumee Valley Region as your preferred region, otherwise you will automatically be assigned to a region based on your zip code and it may or may not be the region you intended to join. PCA National will then notify us of your new member status.
For more membership information please contact:
Chris Krauser
Membership Chairman
Maumee Valley Region
Porsche Club of America